Couldn't put my heart back together again.
All of the physicians and mathematicians too,
Failed to stop my heart from breaking in two...
Oh you got the glue, there's nothing I can do."
- Humpty Dumpty Love Song, Travis
Also just so happens to coincide with the news that I will be hosting Christmas at my house this year. Perfect timing. Nothing says 'Merry Christmas' like a festive cocktail of muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. I'm seriously considering hybernation this year. Maybe if I sleep until spring, I won't have the opportunity to do anything stupid and my poor body can finally heal itself. Though with my luck, I'd still find a way to dislocate something in my sleep.
Just need a little glue and everything will be fine.

“I'm not anything like I used to be, although it's true, I was never attention’s sweet center, I still remember that girl: She’s imperfect, but she tries, She is good, but she lies, She is hard on herself, She is broken and won’t ask for help. She is messy, but she’s kind, She is lonely most of the time, She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie.” -Sara Bareilles